Child Custody Attorney in Honolulu
Making Decisions in the Best Interest of the Child
The issue of child custody is a family law matter that can lead to a very serious and difficult legal situation. Children are an essential part of most families and when a division takes place in the household, child custody is a much contested issue. Parents will do whatever it takes to ensure that their child's future is protected. If you are fighting for sole child custody or a joint custody, it is essential to retain the legal assistance of a Honolulu custody attorney like myself. My goal is to protect and preserve your rights and the best interests of your children.
How is child custody decided in a Honolulu divorce?
At the Law Offices of Steve Cedillos, Hawaii Custody Lawyer can offer you the legal support and guidance required to establish a solid custody arrangement for your child. I have over a quarter of a century of legal experience dealing with this issue and I can continue to fight for your rights through your case. When it comes to determining child custody factors, the best interest of the child will be the primary deciding factor. The court may award child custody to either one or both parents. If, however, neither of those options would prove to be in the best interests of the child, custody can be awarded to a third party, such as a grandparent. The state of Hawaii has laws that give general guidelines as to what the best interest of the child means. Some of the primary factors that the Honolulu court uses to determine child custody include:
- Which parent is most capable of providing a stable, safe and nurturing environment for the child
- The existing relationship between the child and each parent
- The child's current relationship to other family members
- Whether there is any history of emotional, physical or sexual abuse on the part of either parent
- The preferences of the child, provided that he or she is of an age to provide an informed decision on the matter
In light of the fact that child custody is largely decided based on evidence of a parent's fitness and capability to provide for the child's well-being, it is vital to have an experienced Honolulu custody lawyer on your side. Perhaps you are anxious to ensure that your spouse does not receive custody, based on your concerns about the children's safety with him or her. Maybe you fear that you will be denied custody based on allegations made by your spouse. You need an advocate to present your case and fight to defend your right to remain in your children's lives. Even if you and your spouse are willing to work together to negotiate the issue of custody, you can still benefit enormously from working with a skilled family law attorney who can help you to address the matter and reach an agreement that works for everyone. Contact my office now for an initial consult with Hawaii Custody Attorney to discuss your concerns and learn more about how I can help.