Criminal Defense FAQ
Honolulu Criminal Defense Attorney Provides Legal Guidance
Have you been accused of a criminal charge in or around Honolulu? As a Honolulu criminal defense lawyer, I have more than 20 years of experience helping those who have been arrested or are under investigation of a criminal offense. I understand that you likely have many questions, and my firm is prepared to answer them. In this section, I have included answers to several frequently asked questions on the topic of criminal defense. If you have a question that is not listed below, please feel free to contact my firm to get it answered!
What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?
Depending on many factors, including the severity of your offense and the state in which you are accused, you can be charged with either a felony or misdemeanor. Misdemeanor charges carry less-severe penalties than felonies. There are also three different degrees of charges depending on the severity of the offense. The simplest crime will be charged as a third-degree misdemeanor and the most severe offense will be charged as a first-degree felony.
What is the responsibility of the prosecutor?
The prosecutor is the lawyer who will represent the government, whether federal, state, or local. The prosecutor will place accusations and evidence against the criminal defendant. Generally, there is a district attorney who will be the primary law enforcement representative against the individual who allegedly commits a crime in that region. Prosecutors have significant power, so it is essential to have a hard-hitting defense attorney.
Do I need a lawyer to represent my case if it is minor?
If you are charged, it is essential to obtain a lawyer, no matter how minor the offense. Even the most minor offenses can have significant consequences for the accused. A conviction of any type of offense, including a DUI or drug crime, can have significant bearing on your life. You can lose your eligibility to receive federal aid and other benefits. Any non-traffic-related offense can result in being denied acceptance into an educational program.
What is the role of the grand jury?
The grand jury has specific responsibilities and duties. They will decide whether there is enough satisfactory evidence to suspect the defendant and file the charges. They will review the evidence and hear testimony to determine whether the accused should be indicted. It is not, however, the grand jury's responsibility to decide whether the defendant is guilty or innocent. The grand jury system is used in all states.
Do you have further questions?
If you have any more questions regarding the charges against you, it is important to speak with my firm. You should not have to go through this legal battle on your own, and I can help you obtain the necessary answers to get you through this situation. It is crucial to gain a comprehensive understanding of your case and to not be confused about any step of the process. It is likely your first experience with criminal charges, and my firm can help you understand how to best navigate the process.