Honolulu Uncontested Divorce Attorney
What is an uncontested divorce?
An uncontested is the most simple and cost-efficient way to get divorced. It is also the way that most individuals get divorced. Approximately half of the couples who get married in Honolulu get divorced. Many of those situations involve uncontested divorce cases. An uncontested divorce is a legal process, and therefore, it takes time and needs to be handled by the proper legal representatives. It is essential to retain the legal assistance of a knowledgeable and experienced Honolulu divorce attorney from my firm. I can advise you about the legal process and how to fulfill the requirements. There are specific steps that must be followed in order for this process to be satisfactorily completed, and I can help you!
Is this type of divorce right for me?
One of the most important steps to take is determining what the right divorce process is for you and your situation. I can help you determine whether an uncontested divorce is right for you and the other party involved in the legal matter. I can provide you with a free case evaluation to give you an honest opinion of your case from a professional perspective. At this time, you can ask all of the questions you need without any obligation to my firm. I am here for you and can be the guide you need to successfully navigate this situation.
Advantages of Uncontested Divorce
There are many advantages to pursuing an uncontested divorce over a contested divorce. The first is that it is much less expensive. You will need to focus on saving your finances for life after divorce, and therefore, the process should be made as inexpensive as possible. In addition, an uncontested divorce, especially when children are involved, is the least messy path to take. By staying in control and keeping arguments to a minimum, relationships between family members can be salvaged. If you and your spouse are not able to agree on certain issues of the divorce, a mediator can be used to bridge communication. As your mediator, I can help ensure that everyone's rights are protected.
An uncontested divorce may not be a good method to choose for dissolving a marriage that is filled with anger and hostility. In circumstances of domestic violence, for example, I would not often suggest an uncontested divorce. In any situation, it is helpful to retain the legal assistance of my firm. I can help you pursue the best approach to divorce, whether it is uncontested or contested. With more than 20 years of experience, you can have confidence that my firm can suggest the best solution to your situation. I can help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of an uncontested divorce that may apply to your specific case. Please contact my firm at your earliest convenience to learn more about how to successfully navigate your divorce, no matter what type you choose to experience.