(808) 536-5242

Domestic Violence
Representation from a Honolulu Criminal Lawyer
Domestic violence involves acts of violence against a husband or wife, a former spouse, a girlfriend or boyfriend, a current or former roommate, the parent of your child, or another family member, such as a parent, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, or so forth. Hawaii law (§709-906) states that,

It shall be unlawful for any person, singly or in concert, to physically abuse a family or household member or to refuse compliance with the lawful order of a police officer under subsection...(2) Any police officer, with or without a warrant, may arrest a person if the officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the person is physically abusing, or has physically abused, a family or household member and that the person arrested is guilty thereof.

Domestic Violence Statistics
According to various domestic violence organizations, nation-wide statistics for domestic violence include the following: Domestic violence can consist of harassing, threatening, stalking, or any act of physical violence. While Hawaii is an idyllic state, it is not exempt from domestic violence incidents. According to The Hawaii Independent, "This year {2010}, it {domestic violence} took eight lives according to the Hawaii State Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Over each year of the last decade, between three and 10 lives were ended violently at the hands of someone else."

Penalties in Honolulu for a Domestic Violence Conviction
The reality is that domestic violence allegations can be brought against anyone, anywhere, at any time. Sometimes, however, "victims" lie, exaggerate or falsely accuse a family member, partner or roommate. While domestic violence charges might not seem as serious as other criminal charges, they can come with crippling consequences.

In Honolulu, domestic and spouse abuse is charged as a misdemeanor but in certain cases it can be charged as a Class C felony. If an order of protection is issued and you violate it, you can face the following penalties: If you are accused of abusing a family member (if someone at the scene of the crime complains of pain or shows visible injuries), you can be immediately arrested. Even if you both were involved in the argument and physical exchange and your family member drops charges against you, the government can still take you to court. If you are convicted of "abuse of a household member" you can expect to serve jail time and will lose the right to possess a firearm. If you are not a U.S. citizen you can also be deported. To best avoid these penalties, get help from a Honolulu Domestic and Spouse Abuse Lawyer at my firm.

Why You Want Me on Your Side
Domestic violence allegations can be difficult to fight, but if you are convicted, your livelihood, family and future can be adversely affected forever. When you are charged with a domestic violence offense, it is imperative that you secure an aggressive criminal defense attorney on your side immediately!

I, Steve Cedillos have more than 20 years of legal experience beneath my belt as a Honolulu Domestic and Spouse Abuse Lawyer that I can put to work for you! Schedule your free case evaluation now! You can reach me today at (888) 615-8674!





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1670 Makaloa Street Ste. 204 #338
Honolulu, HI 96814

(808) 536-5242

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Law Office of Steve Cedillos - Honolulu Lawyer