Honolulu Post-Divorce Modifications
Change Your Agreement with a Divorce Attorney in Honolulu
Once a divorce agreement is reached, many circumstances can affect a person's ability to pay child support and alimony, or have custody of his or her child. If you find that your current divorce terms are inappropriate for your lifestyle or you know that your former spouse's circumstances have changed, then contact my firm, the Law Office of Steve Cedillos. As a Honolulu divorce lawyer, I can help you file the appropriate paperwork and show the necessary documentation to get your agreement changed. With over three decades of experience, you can rest assured that I have successfully handled many similar cases and will make sure that I do everything I can to effectively resolve the situation. There are a few different situations in which you can change your divorce agreement, also known as a divorce decree:
- Loss of employment
- Increase in former spouse's income
- Relocation
- Change in child's needs
- Remarriage of either spouse
Call my firm to find out if your situation qualifies for a modification in your divorce agreement. I can carefully review your case and represent you in front of the courts.
How to Modify Your Divorce Agreement
To amend an agreement, you should begin by filing a petition for modification with your local court. The petition may ask for information such as your contact info, your former spouse's contact info, case number, and judge who granted your divorce. You may also need to list out the reasons that you would like to amend your divorce and specify which parts of the decree that you would like to change. Along with the petition, you should include related financial or civil documents, and SSN verification.
Once you have all the right documents, you should submit your form to the court. After it is processed and the other party has been served, they will assign a hearing date. At the hearing, you will have a chance to explain why your petition should be approved. To ensure that you have proper representation at the hearing, call my firm for a Honolulu divorce lawyer that will stand up for your rights.
Speak with a Dedicated Honolulu Divorce Lawyer
There can be a number of potential issues with modifying your divorce decree. Make sure that all is in order by enlisting the help of my firm. With an experienced Honolulu divorce attorney at your side, you can be confident knowing that you have a representative to fight for your best interests. Contact me before it's too late!